Gabba Gabba Huh?
Gabba Gabba Huh?
Talks! Episode 90 - Indie Comics with Ryan Holgerson, Levi Erickson, & Jeff Williams
This week I spoke with not only musicians, but musicians making indie comics! Ryan Holgerson of Slackmatic (and musically, The Modrats), along with returning guests, Levi Erickson (The Big) and Jeff Williams (Supernova Über Alles), sit down for a conversation that leans heavily towards making comics and the comics industry in general (both indie and major), but we do talk music too! This one runs a little longer, but it could have easily been another hour and a half if I hadn't stopped the recorder, plus I spared you thirty minutes of toy talk up front!
Comics in the Making: https://www.youtube.com/@comicsinthemaking
Slackmatic: https://www.facebook.com/slackmatic
The Modrats: https://www.facebook.com/themodrats
The Big: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1443526242/the-big-chapter-1-mini-comic
No Anger Control: https://noangercontrol.com
Supernova Über Alles: https://www.instagram.com/supernova_uber_alles/
Songs for GGHT90:
The Modrats. - Twizzlers
The Modrats - Loneliest Mouse
Dead Kings - Liver Die
No Anger Control - All Our Friends
Visit Gabba Gabba Records & Vintage Goods! Located inside Vintage Village, on the first floor near Dillards, in the Eastridge Mall, Gastonia, NC!