Gabba Gabba Huh?
Gabba Gabba Huh?
Talks! Episode 79 - Scotty Irving (Clang Quartet/Geezer Lake/Spirit of Hamlet)
This week, I spoke to percussionist, Scotty Irving, via Skype on two separate days due to technical difficulties and crossed wires! Scotty is best known as the one man behind the Christian Harsh Noise act, Clang Quartet, but we also talk about his time behind the drums in Geezer Lake, Benj-O-Matic, and Spirit of Hamlet, as well as school band, but the main focus of this one is Scotty's faith.
Clang Quartet: https://www.facebook.com/clangquartet
Armor of God: https://youtu.be/dwNBDz1w1tg
Geezer. Lake: https://www.facebook.com/geezerlake
Spirit of Hamlet: https://spiritofhamlet.bandcamp.com/
Benjy Johnson: http://www.benjyjohnsonmusic.com/
Songs for GGHT79:
Geezer Lake - Field Blister
Geezer Lake - My Ugly Body Temple
Clang Quartet - With Weariness and Heavy Heart (https://norentrecords.bandcamp.com/album/a-slow-death-for-the-peacemaker-nrr163)
Clang Quartet Live at Tulsa Noisefest (https://youtu.be/PU61tjOdVDY)
Clang Quartet. - Love Thy Neighbor (https://cruelsymphonies.bandcamp.com/album/judge-thy-neighbor-love-thyself)
Benj-O-Matic - Shoot the Pig (http://www.benjyjohnsonmusic.com/)
Spirit of Hamlet - Strike it Rich (https://spiritofhamlet.bandcamp.com/)
Visit Gabba Gabba Records & Vintage Goods! Located inside Vintage Village, on the first floor near Dillards, in the Eastridge Mall, Gastonia, NC!