Gabba Gabba Huh?
Gabba Gabba Huh?
Talks! Episode 76 - Chuck Walker (Bedlam Hour)
This week I spoke with Chuck Walker via Skype about his influential band, Bedlam Hour. Not only does Chuck walk us through the history of his band, but he also fills in a lot of gaps in the South Carolina punk rock history that hasn't made it on the podcast yet. We also talk about touring, his side projects, how punk rock and old age go hand in hand, we have a brief visit from my parents dogs, and talk about getting the band back together!
Bedlam Hour: https://www.youtube.com/@bedlamhourofficial9923/
River Monster Records: https://www.facebook.com/Rivermonsterrecords
Songs for GGHT76:
Bedlam Hour - Hour Of
Bedlam Hour - Corn Dances
Bedlam Hour - Castle of Hope
Bedlam Hour - My Mom Doesn’t Know I’m a Punk Rocker
Bedlam Hour - Tear It Down
Virgin Iron Pants - Dranohead
Bedlam Hour - Contact
Bedlam Hour - Re: Generation
Bedlam Hour - Frankenberry Mosh
Visit Gabba Gabba Records & Vintage Goods! Located inside Vintage Village, on the first floor near Dillards, in the Eastridge Mall, Gastonia, NC!