Gabba Gabba Huh?

Talks! Episode 74 - Jeremy Radio (Thousand Dollar Movie/Four Finger Records)

Mike Phillips
Audio Player
00:00:00 | 01:22:56

This week my guest is Jeremy Radio from Thousand Dollar Movie, Four Finger Records, and Gigantic Recording Company. In addition to his current projects and sharing a lot of Charlotte love, we also talk about his history in music and other bands such as Tighty Whities, The Raineers, and Public Radio, punk rock/DIY ethos, our shared love for The Simpsons, and we bring up Mike Watt a few times as well. 

Thousand Dollar Movie:

Four Finger Records:

Gigantic Recording Company:

Public Radio:

Crenshaw Pentecostal: 

Songs for GGHT74:

John Mark McMillan - Re-enchantment WorldThe Raineers - Menthol Lights
Public Radio - What’s Gotten Into You?
Bad Talk - Transient Heart
Thousand Dollar Movie - I Hate The Sea And Everything In It
Thousand Dollar Movie - One More Year
Crenshaw Pentecostal - Bad Heart
Thousand Dollar Movie - Central Ave

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